Follow GDA on threads! @gdauthority
Since we launched the updated design for GDA we got rid of comments on news stories and instead linked to related topics on our forum. After giving this experiment a month or so to see how it turned out, we've decided to return individual comments for each news story on GDA handled by the Disqus comment platform.

I thought people who posted frequently in the GDA news comments offered something unique from the GDC conversations - and I missed that. I also like the ability to upvote/downvote related comments on each post, it helps the more interesting content bubble up and encourage some new conversations.

So we invite you to comment your little hearts out on all our latest news stories. Note that all stories from the last month will have 0 comments since we've removed the link to the forum.

Oh yeah., and in case you didn't notice our fancy decor, Happy Independence Day.
Did we miss something? Submit News.