[img=121710_billiecontest.jpg]Currently a number of different websites are conducting their end of the year polls and Billie Joe is nominated in quite a few of them.

The first is a poll run my UK music magazine, NME. They are conducting a poll asking their readers who they think is the "Hottest Man in Music" for the year of 2010. You can vote for Billie Joe on NME.com.

Philadelphia rock radio station, Radio 104.5 is currently having a "Tattoo Throwdown" between Billie Joe and Anthony Kiedis of the Red Hot Chili Peppers. You can vote for Billie Joe on Radio105.com. Currently Billie Joe has the lead with 70% of the votes.

Lastly, the Italian radio station Virgin is holding a poll asking their listeners to vote for the "Best Rock Singer Ever". Billie Joe is up against Roger Daltrey, Iggy Pop, Bono, and many more.

Thanks to Christina1592, Yuaraja, LupitaD and Gloria21Guns for contributing news for this post.
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