[img=011911_calendarcontest.png] We're currently holding a contest for the best redesign of the 'Awesome As Fuck' artwork. We put the call out last week for you talented graphics people to take a stab at redesigning the artwork for the upcoming live album, and there's less than 6 days left if you want to enter. The deadline is January 31st. On February 2nd, we'll be putting up our favorite 5 entries (decided on by the GDA team) and then let our visitors vote on the best one. The winner gets the official 2011 Green Day Calendar, and everyone else gets...some recognition?

The contest is open to anyone worldwide. The only requirement is that your image is 600x600 and you save it as a jpg or png file.

Email your entry to contest@greendayauthority.com before January 31st.

You can share or check out [turl=http://www.greendaycommunity.org/Forum/index.php?showtopic=83214]other entries on our forum[/turl].
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