[img=051711_emilysarmy.jpg] Emily's Army - a bay area band which includes Billie Joe's son, Joey, on drums - is getting some press about their [turl=http://www.greendayauthority.com/news/2277/]upcoming album[/turl] 'Don't Be A Dick' which was produced by Billie Joe and being released on Adeline Records. The band was recently featured on MTV's site with the following:

[quote]Green Day frontman Billie Joe Armstrong has already influenced and turned on a new generation of teenagers to punk, and now he's doing the same for Generation Y.

Emily's Army, a pop-punk group made up of four Bay Area teenagers, is set to blow up with the June 14 release of their debut album, Don't Be A D***. On the drums: Armstrong's 16-year-old son Joey. Side note: A 16-year-old rocks harder than you. Deal with that.[/quote]

There are also two articles from OCWeekly and the San Francisco Examiner with introductions of the band and news of their album, which is coming out June 14.

These guys opened up for the Foxboro Hot Tubs in NYC in April 2010. After watching that performance, I'm looking forward to checking out the new album, they really kicked ass.

Here's an article from MusicRemedy.com about their upcoming tour. They'll be playing a couple shows now in May, and then tour in Washington, Oregon and California next month. You can see their tour dates on their site.

For updates about the band, you can visit their site EmilysArmyBand.com, or you can follow them on Facebook and Twitter.
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