[pic=The four singles]101012_gdsingles.jpg[/pic]When new albums are announced, usually one of the first thoughts that fans have is, "What will the first single be?" The lead single is usually supposed to give the general public a good idea of what can be expected from the album as a whole. The single artwork, though, is a different story. Some bands tie the artwork into the album cover, others don't.

In Green Day's case, artist Chris Bilheimer has handled the artwork for everything ¡Uno! / ¡Dos! / ¡Tré! - related thus far. As well as the new stuff, Bilheimer has contributed artwork to past albums like Awesome As Fuck, 21st Century Breakdown, American Idiot, Shenanigans, Warning, and Nimrod. I personally think that Bilheimer has done an amazing job with the singles for the trilogy released so far, which you can see below. He's done great work with making them all cohesive, but unique at the same time. Call me crazy, I'm actually almost as excited for the new artwork we get with singles as I am for the music!

All of that said, GDA wants to know which single you like the looks of best. So far, from ¡Uno!, we've seen "Oh Love," "Kill The DJ," and "Let Yourself Go." From ¡Dos! (coming on November 13th), we've seen "Stray Heart." That one was just released on Monday! Take another look at all of the covers below, and cast your vote in the poll!


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