[pic=Green & White Vinyl]012915_vinyl-39.jpg[/pic]Green Day has announced that they will release a green and white-colored vinyl of the band's first album 39/Smooth on St. Patrick's Day (I see what they're doing here...). The special, limited edition vinyl will release on March 17th this year and is currently available for pre-order on GreenDay.com.

The full 12-inch album also comes with two 7-inch EPs: Slappy E.P. and 1,000 Hours. All three together make up the compilation 1,039 Smoothed Out Slappy Hours, which is widely regarded as the band's first album (though not true).

The vinyl package is available for pre-order now on GreenDay.com. The package costs $34.99, plus $7.99 US shipping and tax.

Below are the tracklistings of the album and EPs.

Side A
At The Library With Waba Se Wasca
Don't Leave Me
I Was Here
Disappearing Boy
Green Day
Side B
Going To Pasalacqua
Road To Acceptance
The Judge's Daughter

Slappy E.P.
Side A
Paper Lanterns
Why Do You Want Him?
Side B
409 In Your Coffeemaker

1,000 Hours
Side A
1,000 Hours
Dry Ice
Side B
Only Of You
The One I Want
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