Not too much going on in the Green Day world today. If you're really bored and want to read anything about them, there are a couple of articles online that slightly mention them here and here.

As I mentioned a couple of days ago I've been working on a new system for Merchandise. That section is done now, so please check one of the catagories out below.
Clothing | Accessories | Posters | Adeline Street

We finally got some more stickers coming in for you guys to buy soon. The sayings are:
  • Who the fuck is Green Day?
  • All my religious beliefs are based on Green Day
    and a quote from Billie Joe:
  • There's nothing wrong with being a loser...
    It just depends how good you are at it.

    They should be in sometime now in August. We'll let you guys know a couple days in advance before they go up for sale. We'll post more about them later.

    We have a position here on the GDA team opening up later this week for a new webmaster to help us out with videos and the Picture Vault. We'll give you guys more information on what the requirements are and how to apply later in the week.

    Update: 4:15pm 7-30-06: The video downloads doesn't seem to be working for some reason. Sorry about that, I'll try fixing it now.
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