Guitar World put up a video review on YouTube of the Gibson Billie Joe Les Paul Jr. Signature Guitar (always a mouthful). It's been up since February, but I only noticed it a few days ago. I wish I could get my hands on one to play around with. From this review, it looks and sounds pretty damn good. Anyone been able to play around with one?

View more pictures at Musicians Friend where the guitar is available for purchase.

For those of you with MHD (Music HD channel from MTV), they will be playing Bullet in a Bible at 9pm (eastern, I believe) tomorrow, September 3rd. It'd be pretty bad-ass to watch it in HD. I was one of the lucky ones who got to watch it when it premiered that one-night in theaters. Green Day playing on a big ass screen with amazing sound. Easily the most awesome thing I've seen in theaters. So if any of you can catch the HD viewing, do so.
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