Sorry this place has been so quiet over the past few days. Being the political junkie I am, I was sucked into politics through yesterday and pretty much all my attention went there. As you can imagine, I'm so excited that Obama won and look forward to calling him the next President. With the election over and me feeling a nice jump in my own motivation, I hope to spend a lot more time here again.

But lets move on to things you guys care about and visit GDA for. Converse has released a PRODUCT (RED) shoe for Billie Joe. Product (Red) is a global charity fund to help raise money and awareness for the fight against AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. You'll all remember that campaign Billie Joe was sort of a part of earlier this year with converse, I'm glad to see some good coming from that through this release. The shoe is white black and red, sort of American Idiot themed, obviously has the good simplistic looks of Converse. It comes at a pricey $70, but because it's meant to support a good cause, I think that's a reasonable price. You can find all the details for the shoe on

Here's an article with Simple Plan where they briefly mention touring with Green Day a few years back during the American Idiot tour.
"Obviously we were very big fans of Green Day growing up and just to tour with them was cool, but to play those size venues was amazing," Lefebvre says of the tour which brought them to the attention of hundreds of thousands of new faces every night back in 2005.
Full Article
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