Short 'n Sweet

By Courtney /Nov. 20, 2001 / Comments
Hey fellow Green Day fans. Sorry for not updating, but I've been pretty busy. I know you already know the recent news surrounding GD already but I'll take a shot. Billie Joe and Tre both recently posted audio messages at, and in case you missed any of the previous messages, has them stored on their website. A number of TV performances were/are this week. Fuckin' a ...I thought to myself yesterday, Courtney don't forget to watch/tape Jay Leno...and what did I do?! When my boyfriend left at 11PM, I completely forgot about it and fell asleep! Well, my mind is a little gone so you can't blame me...getting up at 4:30AM every weekday isn't easy. Anyway as I was saying. Here's a list of all the TV appearences this week. +

+ Monday, 11.19 Tonight Show w/ Jay Leno @ 11:35PM on NBC +

+ Friday, 11.23 Late Late Show w/ Craig Kilborn after David Letterman on CBS +

+ Ok, so there's 2. Shut up. They also appeared on a radio show called Rockline this week. There's also a new interview with Billie Joe in Kerrang! magazine that you can read on their Offical Message Board. Hrmmm and I don't know. It's like 11PM and I wanna go to bed. So I'm gonna leave ya now. No big loss. If I don't update before Thursday, 11.22, have a Happy Thanksgiving. And of now, 10 days and 1 hour till the GDA Contest ends so get your entries in now! Be careful out there. :) (P/S: NO I don't know what the fuck is wrong with my fucking counter! Grrrrrr....)
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