[pic=Green Day's upcoming ¡Cuatro! documentary]032513_rsz_012613_cautro.jpg[/pic]Idiot Nation has just posted details on a very, very cool new contest. They will be sending one fan an advance copy of ¡Cuatro! to watch in their own home the night before EACH US tour date. You can have friends over to watch the currently unreleased documentary with you, or watch it completely alone, if that's your style...

If you are a member of Green Day's official fan club, Idiot Nation, you should definitely enter this contest. All you have to do to enter is email Idiot Nation a paragraph describing what your ¡Cuatro! screening would be like, as well as some other information, which can be found in the post on their site. Idiot Nation will be posting a winner's username about three days prior to each US tour date, and sending them a copy of the new documentary (which, unfortunately, you will have to send back). Let's hope some GDA readers win this one!

To become a member of Green Day's Idiot Nation for just $20 per year, click here. You'll be eligible for even more great contests like this!
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