Thank You to all the beautiful people that made a donation. It is greatly appreciated, and to all of you tighwads that didn't it's ok i still love you. I have the entire album up again. click here to LISTEN to American Idiot On that guys can only listen to the CD from GDA, and we please ask you for the last time to please stop trying to share the album through GDA. We want EVERYONE to go out and buy the album. I have the album up so you can get a taste of the CD.
Here is an review of American Idiot from Ultimate

MTV's The Leak for American Idiot has finally began. Please check it out you guys can listen to some different "behind the scenes" videos and also be sure to vote for your Favorite Song. All if it right here

I know a few of you have been asking about "The Networks" cd Money Money 2020 so I decided to upload it, you guys can listen The Network right here

The American Idiot video has come really close to getting on TRL so please everyone come on help us out here and vote for Green Day on TRL here

I got in a video, it's an "instore" interview with Green Day by fans right before Summer Sonic in Japan last Month. You can check it out on the videos page here Also on that page I finally was able to put up all the recent videos again thanks to those that donated money to help me upgrade our media server. This includes American Idiot, Holiday and American Idiot Live for Yahoo, and Green Day's Interview with Yahoo. Again check those all out right here

Another one of our affiliates Green Day Cellar got a new updated layout to go along with American Idiot. check it out here.

And finally don't forget that today is supposed to start "The Leak" so you can also listen to American Idiot on there. It's not up yet but be sure to keep an eye out right here
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