Hey there. As you heard previously, I was lucky enough to interview one of the most amazing producers EVER, John Roecker, producer of punk epics such as "Live Freaky Die Freaky" and The Network DVD. He unvieled some information about the AMERICAN IDIOT MOVIE and progress throughout. Check it out here. Thanks SO much to Stacy Wernick for getting me his screen name! Also, the links page has been updated so check that out. ALSO, don't forget to watch Green Day play the WHOLE American Idiot album on Sessions@AOL. You could either watch it on AOL (Keyword: Green Day), or check out FUSE at 7PM for a commercial free performance. Finally, GD made an appearance on Italy's TRL, and we've got clips! Thanks to TheNimrods.com. It's hilarious 'cause the guys have no idea what the hell she's saying 'cause they're speaking Italian. It's pretty funny. Check it out below. That's all for now.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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