Meeting Green Day

Jun. 14, 2006 / Comments
Meeting Green Day - Click here The meeting Green Day section has been updated with a couple new pages of photos from other fans with Green Day.

The merchandise section has been updated again. I got the "Most Viewed Items" thing working.

Now in the "what the fuck" category: According to this article from BBC, a girl recognized a real grenade in her lawn because of her American Idiot t-shirt. As heart-warming as that may sound, since when is the military making heart-shaped grenades? And why the hell does a 12 year old not know what a grenade looks like?!

Update 6:47 EST: The contest prize and song have been decided. The new contest will be to cover Prosthetic Head off of Nimrod. The prize will be a copy of Bowling Bowling Bowling Parking Parking and up to $50 at the Green Day Online Store. For further details, check out the contest page.
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