The Saints Are Coming - Full Update
Sep. 26, 2006 / Comments
Last nights performance with Green Day and U2 was pure brilliance. The bands sounded great together, and the song they had been planning , The Saints are Coming, came out really strong. We've put up the performance of Wake Me Up from last night, as well as short clip of the performance of The Saints Are Coming in the video player (under GDA's Pick). Thanks to Blu for getting us the videos. We aren't going to post the full video of that song because we want people to buy the song from Rhapsody to support the 'Music Rising' charity. The performance will be re-airing today and tomorrow on MTV and MTV2. Check your local listing to get the times.
We got a few dozen photos from the event up in the picture vault. View them here.
There is an article in Rolling Stone about the Green Day and U2 collaboration. Read it here. Thanks to mayday01 for the scan.
Billie Joe and The Edge did quite a few interviews over the weekend about the performance. You can watch a video with them from ABC News here, and you can see a longer interview with them from CNN by clicking here.
In that interview with CNN, they mentioned that the version of the song put out last night for purchase was just the live performance, and the studio version will be released at some later point in time. We'll let you know when that studio version comes out, and hopefully you guys will help out then as well by purchasing that download. Don't forget, all the proceeds made from these downloads will go to the 'Music Rising' charity.

There is an article in Rolling Stone about the Green Day and U2 collaboration. Read it here. Thanks to mayday01 for the scan.
Billie Joe and The Edge did quite a few interviews over the weekend about the performance. You can watch a video with them from ABC News here, and you can see a longer interview with them from CNN by clicking here.
In that interview with CNN, they mentioned that the version of the song put out last night for purchase was just the live performance, and the studio version will be released at some later point in time. We'll let you know when that studio version comes out, and hopefully you guys will help out then as well by purchasing that download. Don't forget, all the proceeds made from these downloads will go to the 'Music Rising' charity.