Collector's Corner is finished and now up for viewing. However, I need more Buyers/Sellers. Check out the page for more details on how you can get involved. I fixed the contact us page, I think it was being retarted, since I wasn't getting any feedback from it. Plus I think some people were skeptical about that message box that came up. Anyway it's good to go now, so if you want to get in contact with me and/or Thad, go there and send that in. I'm still trying to find out what the fuck is wrong with the downloads page, but since I had no luck, I'll keep ya posted. Green Day Fans 2001 & Michi's Green Day Site were added to the links page. Last but not least, I heard that GDXFS is coming back October 11. Be sure to check that out when it comes up because it has always been an awesome Green Day site. Tomorrow we won't be updating, it's our 11 months so I get a free meal at the Olive Garden. haha. :) To satisfy your need for me, check out this anti-Green Day page. It's seriously a riot...especially the message board!
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