[turl=http://www.greendayauthority.com/Picture_Vault/displayimage.php?pid=11313][img=053111_studio_practice.jpg][/turl]Billie Joe has posted a little bit more on Twitter about the new music Green Day has been working on:

[quote]Ok here's the scoop. GD has been jamming new songs everyday. There's a ton of new songs. The direction is fresh and hi energy. Feels great

I don't want to give away too much but just know that me mike tre and Jason are collaborating and having the best time playing music.

And that's not bullshit!![/quote]

Billie Joe first wrote about the band playing new music back in March 2011, shortly before he left to New York City to play St. Jimmy for the final month of the show on Broadway.

[quote]Playing new songs with Mike Tre and Jason the last couple weeks. Really fun. And working hard![/quote]

Obviously the first thought in my mind was "fuck yeah!" Even though we know Green Day is pretty much constantly working on new material, it still feels good knowing there's new stuff out there. "Hi energy" also has me pretty excited. Can't wait till we get a small snippit of new stuff, though I don't expect that to happen anytime soon. I'd say we're still a year or two away for a new album, at least.

Green Day is known for taking as long as they feel necessary to get the music they want just right. Look at the span between the last couple albums (Warning to American Idiot: 4 years, American Idiot to 21st Century Breakdown: 5 years). 21CB was only released 2 years ago. None-the-less, it's exciting just to know the band is in the middle of this process, and I can't wait to hear what they're working on.
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