Hot Topic has posted a few "new" Green Day items up for sale. For starters, they now have an Awesome As Fuck Girl's t-shirt available, plus you can purchase the AAF vinyl. There's also a "web exclusive" shirt I haven't seen before, also a girl's size.

Click here to view all Green Day products from Hot Topic, including a few other shirts, logo patch, and some more vinyl.

Thanks to Gloria21Guns for the info.

I know many of you have been wondering why there's been a lack of posts. It was a combination of some of the team focusing on school as semesters came to an end, and I disappeared for a bit as I focused on getting out GDA merch, started work at my university and had family visiting the last few days. We have some new stuff we're working on and are getting back in the groove of publishing stuff here. Thanks for your patience, and for continuing to check the site every day.
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