It's Kerplunk's 20th birthday tomorrow, so to celebrate that momentous anniversary this week's Song of the Week is the 10th song from that album; the brooding and reflective No One Knows.

Musically, No One Knows has to be the most unique song on Kerplunk - its 40-second long mellow bass intro is unlike any of Green Day's other material, and that bass line continues throughout the whole song. Its lyrics explore the feelings experienced from maturing and growing up - watching friends "begin to age" and (presumably) settle down and plan ahead for their future life while you get left behind because you want to remain young and carefree a little longer ("Why should my fun have to end?", "is there something I should find to make plans for forever?"). The song reflects those uncertainties about life and the choices we all have to make towards our futures that we all feel when growing up, in the end realising that "no one knows" the answer on which is the best path to take in life.

Unfortunately there doesn't appear to be any live recordings of No One Knows, however a fan-made music video for the song exists, made from footage from various Green Day music videos.

Lyrics for the song can be found here, and this is No One Knows's Song of the Week thread, where you'll find some great member-discussion. Feel free to stop by and post your opinion, or nominate next week's song.
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