The Hollywood Reporter has some first-look photos of Billie Joe guest starring on Showtime's Nurse Jackie. Click the photos to view full size.

[quote]The rocker-turned-actor -- fresh off his stint on Broadway's American Idiot -- will guest star in the Season 4 premiere as a stranger whom Jackie meets that causes a major change in her life. Judging from the photo below, it looks like the two get awfully chummy.[/quote]

"Rocker-turned-actor" seems a bit ambitious, though I'm sure many fans still have their fingers crossed as a Billie Joe "St. Jimmy" in the American Idiot movie.

Really looking forward to his appearance. You can check out Billie Joe's last acting gig, a guest appearance on the short-lived "Haunted" back in 2003 in our video section.

Billie Joe's appearance on 'Nurse Jackie' will be on the season premiere April 8th on Showtime.
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