This from The New Music:

Hard to believe these guys have been together since 1989, 13 years and 25 million albums later Billie Joe, Mike and Tre decided it was time to give their audience a compilation called International Superhits!. George traveled to California and spoke to the guys who in their usual style, preferred backstabbing Creed and Nickelback over hyping their own CD.

The New Music is a show that airs on Canada's Much Music Network. The Green Day segment will be aired Monday, February 11, 2002 @ 9:00PM EST, and Sunday, February 17, 2002 @ 4:30PM EST. Thanks to them for e-mailing me that information. Also, all 3 guys left yet another audio message on Billie talks about the upcoming Pop Disaster Tour, while Tre talks about starting fires. And Mike...well Mike is just saying "lalala". To those that are interested, Darren says The International Supersites Directory and Green Day Fans will be up tonight. And last but not least, GDA has yet another new affiliate, Warning: A Green Day Site. Check it out.
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