Hey all. Rumors are going around about the possibilty of Green Day inducting The Ramones into the Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame. Billie Joe tells LAUNCH.com, "Anywhere, if you talk about the Midwest, you're talking about the South, East Coast/West Coast, Canada, Europe, anything that is punk rock has been either directly or indirectly influenced by the Ramones. They are equivalent to the first punk band. Whether even they like to think so or not, you can hear it in a lot of different people's music.". Read the entire article here. This is from Green Day Fan Site, "Tre Cool is also nominated for a drumming award! The Northern California Drumming Awards ceremony will be held Friday, March 29th at the Great American Music Hall in San Francisco,CA where the three finalists will hold a drum-off. More details to come." Thanks to them for that bit of information. Also, out of my curiosity, I checked up how many hits this site is getting a day. I'm proud to say that we are getting over 100 hits per day, which is a great accomplishment for me. I have been a webmaster of various sites since I was in 8th grade. If you do the math, it's been 7 years since I started my first website, and this has been the most successful one yet. So I'd like to thank the Green Day fans for coming here, the fans of the site, my friends, and it's affiliates. Before I go off because I lots to do today, I'd like to say Happy 25th Birthday to my brother, Jeremy! Ehh...I'll probably say that 2 more times over the next week. :)
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