Website Updates

By Courtney /Mar. 24, 2002 / Comments
As promised, I did some work on the site today. First let's get the GDA Poll out of the way. Here are the results from the last poll:

Are you satistfied with the current tour itinerary?
Yes. : 47 Votes (67%)
No, it sucks! : 23 Votes (33%_
Total Votes: 70

Thanks to everyone that voted in that poll. The new question is What would you like to see on the GDA Website?. Click here to go to the GDA Poll and vote. Some new pictures were added to the Pictures page. They are the ones from Tre's golf tourdament for 91x and 2 new live pictures of Billie Joe. Three new entries to Collector's Corner were also added. And well....that's it. I still need concert reviews and quiz questions so if you have any please e-mail me. Also be a sweetheart and vote for me at GDXFS Challenge. Thanks. :) Ok I luv you bye bye.
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