Song of the Week this week is the self-loathing Jinx, 11th track off Green Day's eclectic 5th studio, Nimrod, released in 1997.

Jinx's lyrics describe a relationship where one person feels as if they're dragging the other down with them with their constant "fucking up" and "bad luck". Despite the negativity however, there's no doubt that it's a loving relationship - the 'Jinx' is pushing his partner away to protect them from the "regrets and bad luck" "rubbing off", saying that although he's her "long lost love", he's also her "nemesis". There's no true chorus in Jinx, instead it's structured and flows more like a written letter or note, with the last line "I'm a curse hanging around you" a final warning and summation of everything that's been said. Billie Joe tweeted in February of last year that "A lot of songs became about drinking and lifes pressure around nimrod era. I was feeling a vague person in 1997", which explains some of Jinx's sombre lyrics. Finally, the "1, 2, 3, 4" at the beginning of the song is also pretty rad.

This week's video is the album version of Jinx as I couldn't find a live version on youtube. Sadface.

Lyrics for the song can be found here, and this is Jinx's Song of the Week thread, where you'll find some member-discussion. Feel free to stop by and post your opinion or nominate next week's song.
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