Hey guys! Over the last 2 months we've been getting feedback about our merch and one of the only concerns raised was the time it took for items to be shipped. We care a lot about making sure we do what we can to make this process better, so I'm happy to say that we've now further streamlined our merchandise distribution so that you will no longer get more than two business days between the day you order and your item being shipped (barring holidays or emergencies) but most orders will ship within one business day.

[img=041712_merchgda.jpg]With that said I'd like to encourage you guys to take a look at the merchandise section. We recently put our "******* ** FUCK" guitar picks back in stock alongside the "Green Day Authority" picks. We also have a limited amount of Rage & Love Wristbands left. Check those items out alongside our other items such as stickers and zines available here.

This merchandise goes a long way in helping support GDA. We pay for two servers (soon to be three) to keep GDA and our forum online and that costs money. Not to mention all the money we have to spend on prostitutes each month. Seriously though, a huge thanks to everyone who's bought something from us. It really helps us out a tremendous amount and helps us keep doing all this awesome stuff.

In case you're wondering we do ship worldwide. If you guys have any questions feel free to leave them in the comments or send an email to orders@greendayauthority.com.
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Sep. 28, 2024
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Nov. 15, 2024
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