As most of you know, Green Day has announced that they are finishing up work on their upcoming three-album set. ¡Uno! will be released on September 25th of this year, ¡Dos! on November 13th, and ¡Tré! on January 15th, 2013. With the release of the first album just four months away, we want to get your thoughts on the best thing that comes with a new album (or set of albums!).

Since we know the songs will almost certainly kick ass, we want to focus on the other parts of what Green Day will be involved with once these albums are released. Are you someone who plans your trip to see the band the minute dates are announced? Are you someone who spends the wee hours of the morning scouring YouTube for interviews regarding new material? Do you spend all your money on new Green Day-related apparel? Vote below, then leave a comment about your choice!

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