Earlier this week photographer Felisha Tolentino began her own countdown to ¡Dos! which officially drops next Tuesday on her Tumblr page. Starting this past Monday, Felisha has begun posting a new Green Day photo everyday from her ¡Uno! photoshoot.

Felisha worked with Green Day over the summer taking the band's official press photos along with taking the photos for the booklets of each album in Green Day's trilogy. You can see some of the photos Felisha has released so far below:

[captionRow=Tre Cool, NYC]110812_trecool-nyc.jpg[/caption] [captionRow=Billie Joe Armstrong, NYC]110812_bja-nyc.jpg[/caption] [captionRow=Mike Dirnt, NYC]110812_mikedirnt-nyc.jpg[/caption]

You can continue to follow Felisha's countdown on her Tumblr blog. More of Felisha's work with Green Day can be found on her website.
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