[pic=Billie Joe with is guitar "Blue"]111512_bjblue.jpg[/pic]Back in September, we posted scans of Billie Joe's interview with Guitar World. Now, Guitar World has posted the full feature article online.

Although some of you will have already read it, it's interesting to go back and re-read, since we've heard two of the three albums in question. It gives Billie's insight somewhat of a new meaning. The interview discusses the bands trilogy of albums: how they came about, how they were recorded, specific song details, and where the band wants to go next.

One part of the article that I specifically enjoyed was where Billie talked about player older songs on the band's 21st Century Breakdown tour.
[quoteFull]On our last tour, we were playing a lot of old songs, like 'Who Wrote Holden Caufield?' and 'One for the Razorbacks. It was really fun. And sometimes when you're in the middle of playing the song you start to realize, Oh, god, I remember who this song was about. I remember what I was feeling at that time. How is it relevant to me now? You almost get lost in all that, and you're performing it in front of 10,000 people or whatever. It's a trip going back like that. I think we were reluctant to do that before the last tour, but then we just started bringing those songs in. We've always wanted to write songs that we could play 20 years later, like the Rolling Stones are able to play '19th Nervous Breakdown' and stuff like that.[/quoteFull]
Head on over to GuitarWorld.com to read the full interview.

Some more of my favorite excerpts from the article include...

Billie on the reason for the overriding pop-punk style:

[quoteFull]Just because I've been doing it for so long and I love that kind of music. It's just in my DNA at this point. On the last record I veered away from it so much, to the point where I sort of drove myself crazy. But the last record did have a song called 'Murder City,' which is a straight-up Green Day punk-rock song, and it ended up becoming my favorite song on that album.[/quoteFull]

Billie on the upcoming documentary:

[quoteFull]I really like certain surf documentaries, like Sprout, Seedling and One California Day. We wanted to do a film like that, capturing the spirit and lifestyle of the band. We didn't want to do something where you just sit down and talk and it's just your face on the screen. So there's not really a narrative behind our film; it's just more about what went on while we were making the album. We had a pirate radio station and we built a skateboard ramp. There's surfing and us jamming, of course, playing throughout the whole thing. We wanted to make something that looks really good, almost like an art documentary in a lot of ways.[/quoteFull]

Go give this one a second read, or a first, whichever!
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