Hey you sexy fuckers, I missed you guys this past week. Don't forget the new video premiers all day tomorrow on MTV2, and the it'll be on TRL on MTV on the 10th.
The next leg of the American Idiot tour kicks off in 2 days, hope all of you going have a great fucking time at the shows. Courtney and I will be at the Giants Stadium show Sept 1st together.

Vote for Green Day for the AOL Battle of the Bands. At the time I posted this, they are losing to Mariah Carey.

We are pretty excited because at the end of this month we are going to start selling GDA t-shirts (click here to see the design) and more GDA stickers (pics coming soon). The shirts will be $12, if you live in America or Canada you get free shipping. We will sell internationally, but we will have to figure out a price for shipping.

Well I'm leaving to Colorado Springs for another week, I will update sometime this week if I get the chance. Have a great week.
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Nov. 15, 2024
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