[pic=Billie Joe lyric portrait]121913_rsz_kgrhqrie5i9zclbojkwfvl5w~~60_12.jpg[/pic]There are, without a doubt, some artistically talented and creative Green Day fans out there. Today, we'd like to feature an interesting design available for purchase that was created by a fellow fan. For sale are copies of a hand-drawn "lyric portrait" of Billie Joe. In short, it's Billie Joe drawn out using arrangements of tiny written Green Day lyrics. The artist used lyrics from every single Green Day song to date.

The seller also notes that the 18" x 24" drawings for sale are copies because Billie Joe has the original. He or she didn't elaborate, but cool nonetheless! There are many copies for sale, and for only about $15 (shipping included). Not a bad price at all for such a unique item. Check it out!

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