After 11 years, "Heart Like A Hand Grenade" - the making of American Idiot - was released last week on Vimeo. It'd also debuted in select theaters across the US.

You can rent it on Vimeo for $7.99 or buy it to watch when you want for $12.99.


For those of you that saw the film, what'd you think?

Here's some press about the film

Green Day Give Fans Look at ‘American Idiot’ History With ‘Heart Like a Hand Grenade’ Film - LoudWire
[quote]The movie does a great job of exploring the collaborative effort between all of the band members to create these catchy songs. It also really captures the intricacies of songwriting, exploring specific influences and letting viewers be a fly on the wall watching their musical ideas as they happen. The documentary also gives fans some insight into the different sides of the music business from the artist’s perspective, following the band through the creative decision of choosing album art and some of the other decisions not entirely related to any songs.[/quote]
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