According to a few photos posted on Instagram today, it appears that Billie Joe will be making an appearance on the Comedy Central show Drunk History.

Billie Joe, his wife Adrienne, and actor Tony Hale posted photos today of Billie Joe dressed as Charlie Chaplin with hashtags and mentions relating to the Drunk History TV show.

Drunk History features a comedian who will get drunk and (struggle to) recount an event from American history, proving a narration of the event. While the narration is occurring, an actor will enact the narrator's version (often hilarious) of the story and lip sync the dialog.

Billie Joe will be playing the role of Charlie Chaplin, a famous actor, filmmaker, and composer who rose to fame during the "silent era" of film. At this point, it not known who the narrator of the episode will be.

According to Comedy Central's Drunk History website, the show's next season will begin this October, so we can expect to see Billie Joe's episode this fall.

Check out the photos from Billie Joe and Adrienne.

Today's jam #drunkhistory

A photo posted by @mnnesotagirl on

regram @mrtonyhale #busterkeaton and me #charliechaplin on #drunkhistory

A photo posted by Billie Joe Armstrong (@billiejoearmstrong) on

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