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A lot of exciting things have been happening in the world of Green Day since the band released its new single, “Bang Bang,” a week ago and announced Revolution Radio, a new album coming Oct. 7.
Here are a few bits of interesting ... read story
Today, Adeline Records announced that it will be releasing a couple of interesting new vinyl pressings. First is Green Day's second album, Kerplunk, on green splatter vinyl. While that news would be cool enough, Adeline is also releasing ... read story
Adeline Records posted on Facebook today that it will be discounting all the Green Day vinyl in its online store for 24 hours. This includes the majority of Green Day's albums, spare a small handful, and a couple of Adeline releases from ... read story
[pic=Six new pressings from Adeline Records]062314_adeline_warning_vinyl.jpg[/pic]Adeline Records has just listed 6 new variations of the Warning LP and two of its singles.
Warning LP - 1500 on Lime Green
Waiting 7'' - 500 on Clear ... read story
Adeline records has released a new 'smoke clear' vinyl pressing of Green Day's Warning. Their latest press is limited to 200 copies and available from their online store.
The vinyl is available for $16 ... read story
[pic=Waiting available on two new vinyl colors]032514_waiting.jpg[/pic]Adeline Records has just announced two new limited pressings of the Waiting 7" vinyl in clear neon pink and clear neon green. The pressing will be limited to 300 pink, ... read story
[pic=Green Day's Warning]012414_warning.jpg[/pic]Last night, Adeline Records announced a pre-order for a repressing of Green Day's 2000 album Warning on Coke bottle vinyl.
Adeline is now taking pre-orders for $16 and have a limited ... read story
[pic=Warning on white vinyl]060413_warning-vinyl.jpg[/pic]Idiot Nation has a new giveaway up for its members to win a copy of Green Day's 2000 album,Warning, on vinyl.
The version of the album Idiot Nation is giving away is a limited ... read story
Today, Adeline Records posted a video with the help of Actions Realized giving a more in depth look at the Green Day skate decks and how they will be impacting the kids of the Oakland Children’s Hospital.
... read story
[pic=Trilogy boards that are now back up for sale]050113_rsz_tumblr_inline_mklfuk6lzn1qz4rgp.jpg[/pic]Last month, we posted about some new trilogy-themed skate decks that Adeline Records is currently selling. The boards are part of a ... read story
[pic=New Green Day skate decks]040113_rsz_tumblr_inline_mklfuk6lzn1qz4rgp.jpg[/pic]Adeline Records announced today that they will be selling limited-edition skateboard decks with artwork from Green Day's trilogy, as well as ¡QUATRO! (with ... read story
[pic=Art of Rock Book]022113_artbook.jpg[/pic]Adeline has put up a book in it's store called "Green Day: The Art of Rock" which features artwork inspired by 21st Century Breakdown.
A very nice addition to anyone's Green Day collection, ... read story
We're going to go ahead and keep with today's vinyl theme. Just in time for the holidays, Adeline Records has put together a few special "Holiday Bundles." Currently in stock are Green Day, Emily's Army, and "Side Project" bundles.
Each ... read story
[caption=Some of Adeline's t-shirt designs]071912_adelineblowout.jpg[/caption]Billie Joe's record label, Adeline Records, is currently holding a giant blowout sale on their t-shirt inventory. When Adeline says that that they are having a ... read story
[img=052912_thethingthatatelarry.jpg]The Adeline Records compilation The Thing That Ate Larry Livermore is officially available in stores and available for online purchase today.
In late summer last year, Billie Joe asked Lookout Records ... read story
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