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For a week and a half, Billie Joe has been teasing fans on his Instagram with some interesting tidbits.
Everyone’s depressed ... #thelongshot A post shared by Billie Joe Armstrong (@billiejoearmstrong) on Apr 4, 2018 at 1:36pm PDT ... read story
Billie Joe posted the below message on Instagram to celebrate the New Year
Before any resolutions a gratitude list is in order for 2017. From Hyde park to Wrigley .. From rough trade records to Argentina. From 1987 to 2017. I’m so ... read story
Dear young rock n rollers. Be brave. Be tough. Spit your anger. Piss people off. Don’t be normal. Don’t be trendy. Be loud. Live out loud. Cuss . Swear. Be offensive. Tell the truth. YOUR truth. Fuck authority. Spray paint the walls ... read story
Billie Joe shared the following after their concert in Omaha, Nebraska last night.
Omaha!! what a show! I love the heartland. nothing makes me feel more inspired than hearing an arena singing together.. so many thoughts today.. my ... read story
Watch the video below to see a professional musician cleans his instruments. It is arduous, but someone has to do it. #JustTheTip
-Just the tip- cymbal cleaning edition. #zildjiancymbals #donttrip #thiscymbalwasalreadybroken A post ... read story
How random is this? Billie Joe has announced on his Instagram account that Green Day will be releasing a new mix of the band's track "Fell For You" tomorrow.
The remix, titled "Otis Mix", will be a new mix of the song originally on 2012' ... read story
Late Monday night, Billie Joe conducted a couple live Stories broadcasts via his Instagram account. In the broadcasts, not only did he have some banter with fans via their comments, he grabbed a guitar and played a few songs for those ... read story
This week the world was shocked to learn about the passing of Chester Bennington, most well known as the vocalist of the band Linkin Park. He was found Thursday morning in his home near Los Angeles after he hanged himself the night before ... read story
Billie Joe has just posted on Instagram about the Mad Cool Festival and what the band knew when they went on stage. There's been a lot of arguing and lots of people showing contempt for the band for playing after an acrobat performer died. ... read story
Last night, Green Day brought their Revolution Radio tour to the Southside Festival in Germany. During the band’s set, power to most of the stage set up went out, forcing Green Day to improvise. Thankfully, Billie Joe’s guitar rig still ... read story
Billie Joe took to Instagram to share more info about the upcoming documentary "Turn It Around: The Story of East Bay Punk". He outlined the following schedule for the release of the film
May 31: Premiere at SF Docfest
June 2: One week ... read story
Green Day this afternoon has announced and launched a new social media campaign centered around the band's current single "Still Breathing".
The campaign invites fans to share a photo on Instagram that shows the meaning of the song to ... read story
We came across these Green Day drawings on Instagram and thought they look awesome enough that we had to share them. All drawn by Alex Confesor Benítez. If you're an artist tag us on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter so we can share your art ... read story
Billie Joe shared the following comment on Instagram.
[quote]i feel like I'm in a state of shock.. The executive orders Trump is signing feels like a vendetta.. Trump is not only taking out his revenge on the people who protested him, ... read story
A day before their concert, Green Day took some time to meet with some fans waiting around and sign some autographs. meant to post these several days ago but yet here we are nonetheless I think it's pretty awesome to see Green Day meeting ... read story