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Scattered Memories

My favourite part...
Hello. Or is this Goodbye?
This is a tough one for me as I'll openly admit it's not very high on the Green Day back catalogue of numbers that I'll seek out, as a result I find it pretty ... read story
[img=012712_Road.jpg]Road to Acceptance
My favourite part...
[quote]I take a look around
And all the things I've found
I call it blind hatred[/quote]
In the last year or so 'Road to Acceptance' has found itself being played more and more ... read story
[img=011512_16.jpg]...and a son of a bitch!
My favourite part...
[quote]Look at my friends and see what they've done
Ask myself why they've had to change
I like them better when they were young[/quote]
There's something about this ... read story
[img=010612_GTP.jpg]Going To Pasalacqua
My favourite part...
[quote]I'm in for nasty weather
But I'll take whatever you can
give that comes my way[/quote]
One of the best tracks on the album for me and a pure Green Day classic, there's ... read story
[img=122911_GD.jpg] Green Day
My favourite part...
[quote]You're standing so damn close
My body begins to swell[/quote]
What sort of band could be so egotistical that it has the same name in both song and band? The greatest Goddamn ... read story
[img=122211_DP.jpg] Disappearing Boy
My favourite part...
[quote]When I walk in crowded rooms
I feel as if it is my doom
I know that I don't belong[/quote]
Isolation, it's the first word that popped into my head. Listening to this song ... read story
[img=121611_i was there.jpg]This is part 3 of "Scattered Memories" by Carl Anastasi, recalling memories about every song in Green Day's evolving catalogue. It's still very early in the series, but you might be able to look back in a few ... read story
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