We have scans of that NME article mentioned yesterday, thanks to greenbear who posted them on the forum. Nothing new in the article, though it's a decent summary of Foxboro Hot Tubs and bit of speculation with whats next for Green Day. Click the thumbnails below to read the page.

Billie Joe is on the cover of the weeks NME Magazine with the headline "New Tracks, Secret Live Appearances, GREEN DAY, Billie Joe Plots the Comeback". Their site says "Greenday’s Billie Joe talks Foxboro Hot Tubs, secret live ... read story
That May 20th release date for Stop Drop & Roll is looking more and more like the real deal (finally!). As mentioned in the post below, Amazon.com did update that date and it's now also listed on Amazon UK for the people overseas. The ... read story
Diablo Magazine's May 2008 issue has a nice article about Adrienne Armstrong's eco-friendly store, Atomic Garden, with interview quotes and photos of Adrienne and her partner, Jamie Kidson. There are more, earlier photos of the store here ... read story
We finally got some photos in from the MuST celebrity golf tournament, hosted by Tre Cool. Proceeds from the event went to benfit Music in Schools Today, music programs in the Oakland schools. The pictures were posted on the forum by Alex ... read story
We know that a lot of you have posted comments expressing your frustration that the new song, Broadway, is no longer up on the Foxboro Hot Tubs' MySpace page, and neither are several of the other songs. We're fans just like you, so we feel ... read story
The Foxboro Hot Tubs have posted up a new song on their MySpace. The new song is called "Broadway", and obviously it kicks ass. I'm really loving the fact that they continue to put up new stuff. This is easily the most we've ever seen ... read story
Video Static posted news that a music video is possibly in the works for the song The Pedestrian by the Foxboro Hot Tubs. The director will be Graydon Sheppard; you can see some of his work on his website. This news has not been confirmed, ... read story
Here's a great article talking about Warning, and the authors opinions on why it didn't really do as well as previous Green Day albums. I really liked his closing line in the article "Warning is an underrated album in Green Day's extensive ... read story
Consequence of Sound published a great review of Stop Drop and Roll. Definitely worth a read. Thanks to The Lackey.Stop Drop & Roll is by far and wide a perfect example of a band doing something for the sake of doing it. Not once during the ... read story
Great news for all of you who have been trying to get the other 6 songs from the Foxboro Hot Tubs online; the band has made the 6 songs available for purchase online. You can get the entire b-side for $5.49 or each song for .99 cents. Click ... read story
An interview with Adrienne Armstrong was published in the latest issue of Knit.1 magazine. There's a photo of Billie Joe and Adrienne and another one of just Adrienne. Here are the scans of the interview: 1, 2. It also says Adrienne will be ... read story
In an email to MTV, Green Day has finally confirmed that they are the Foxboro Hot Tubs"We think that the only similarity [between the Hot Tubs and Green Day] is that we are the same band. That is basically the only similarity," the Hot Tubs ... read story
For those of you really anxious to hear or purchase the Foxboro songs, Rhapsody does have them up. You have to install a small player from on their site that'll allow you to listen, but you can listen up to 25 times after that.To purchase ... read story
Many of you are probably refreshing Amazon waiting to purchase the album (as i have been since last night) with no luck. According to Amazon's support it could be "2-3 days" before the songs are available.Dunno what the hell is going on, ... read story
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